Module One: Tutorial Two
Exploring Parent/Guardian Careers
Students will explore their parent/guardian careers and learn about the Career Interest Survey.
Step One
Navigate to the search bar at the top of the page and type in the name of a job or career of a parent or guardian and search for that term.
Next, select the career tile that best fits your search.
*Note: You will also see tabs to view jobs and programs related to your search term as well.
Step Two
After selecting the Career tile, you can begin learning more about the career of your parent or guardian. This includes information like:
Job Future Outlook
Project Job Openings
Growth Rate
Average Salary / Earnings (locally, regionally and nationally)
Education Usually Required
Information about what you would do
Skills, Abilities, Knowledge and more
Students can also view related education programs that teach relevant skills related to the career, as well as the ability to search live, open jobs to see the different companies hiring for roles related to the career.
Step Three
Once you are logged in, you can click on your name in the top right corner and view your profile dashboard.